BCCDA holds educational webinars every second Wednesday of the month. Webinars are free of charge to the members of the association, as well as member agencies.  

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Do you have an idea for a webinar topic? Please submit your proposal.

Ann Nakaska BA, M. Ed., CDF

July 10, 2024 at 12 pm

Hope in a Robot Workplace: Career Opportunities for the Future 

This session explores how practitioners can educate their clients about new and exciting innovations happening in a wide variety of industries. While labor market information is always important, this session supplements basic LMI and takes an in-depth look at technologies of the fourth industrial revolution and their impact on a finance, mining, government, and tourism as well as other industries. It covers innovations in AI, virtual reality, biotechnology, robotics, 3D-printing/additive manufacturing and by understanding how these technologies will impact various industries create greater opportunities for career success. 

This session also educates practitioners on how the wide variety of career opportunities created by innovation extend beyond the popular STEM careers, providing clients a wide variety of career options. The fear of low skill/low pay versus high skill/high pay jobs associated with the fourth industrial revolution will also be addressed. By studying the innovations of today, we can help our clients find employment and career success in the future. 

About the Presenter: 

Ann Nakaska BA, M. Ed., CDF is a career consultant specializing in career decision making and career planning with a focus on industry trends. She loves reading, writing and presenting on business, innovation, the 4IR, and future trends. 

KWAST-en-ayu (L. Maynard Harry)

Sept 11, 2024 at 12 pm


The Indigenous Insight cultural awareness training session on September 11 will offer a unique, direct, honest First Nation perspective that will address and clarify  the following objectives:

All the topics above are relevant, necessary & critical to indigenous engagement activity pertinent to Canada.

About the Presenter: 

L. Maynard Harry, a member of the Tla’amin Nation was Indian Act-elected as Hegus (or Chief Councillor) and Councillor (4 terms) by his community. Maynard was bestowed with his  ancestral name KWAST-en-ayu on May 10, 2003 by Tla'amin Elders, immediately before the historic signing of the 2003 Sliammon First Nation - City of Powell River 'Community Accord'. He is the founder of Indigenous Insight . KWAST-en-ayu brings 29 years of practical & lived experience, knowledge relevant to Canada's colonial history, Aboriginal rights and title, intergovernmental relationship building, leadership, governance / decision-making and economic / business development. 

Emma Hull

October 16, 2024 at 12 pm

Balancing Heart & Strategy: Wellness on the Front Line

Are you feeling the pressure of balancing your heart and strategy? Do you struggle with managing your mental health while meeting client needs and satisfying your mandate? This interactive session will help you navigate the complexities of home and work life so you can enjoy performing at your best.

 Participants will acquire the following: 

• Effective and easy-to-implement techniques that can support their mental well-being, both as individuals and as a team. i.e. 60-second micro-breaks to release tension and maximize productivity. 

• Tools to enhance objectivity and strategy, which will help them assist their clients in bridging the gap and exploring possibilities. i.e. using the 3rd person to create distance between yourself and the problem so you can be more strategic.

 • Motivational techniques to help experience a sense of fulfillment from their work. i.e. establish smaller goals on the path toward performance measures.

 About the Presenter: 

Emma Hull is a renowned life coach specializing in confidence and personal effectiveness. Featured on television, radio, and podcasts and as a magazine columnist, Emma has decades of experience in leading, coaching, and mentoring successful individuals. Her primary focus is on helping you take control of your well-being with the help of both practical and somatic tools that combine her extensive corporate and government leadership experience with holistic wellness. Participants in Emma’s highly interactive workshops walk away with a new perspective, deeper personal awareness, and an actionable plan to succeed in their goals.